Residential development in Worcester

in the early 20th Century



Author & Preface




Cover, Contents, and Preface

In printable format

pdf,  1.5 Mb



Lenox is Announced

The announcement in the press of the launching of the Lenox subdivision. , and an overview with cover page, authorship and preface, and a table of contents

pdf,  1.2 Mb,  7p.


Descendants of Andrew and Rebecca McFarland: Six Generations of Family, Farm, and Homestead

An account of the family that farmed the land and resided there until urbanization

pdf,  1.2 Mb,  32p.


Supplement to Part 1

Details regarding the McFarland land

pdf,  1.0 Mb,  4p.


 Urbanization Crosses Park Avenue: the development of Newton Square

Residential development of the Newton Square area, closer to the city center and one growth cycle earlier, sets the stage for Lenox.

pdf,  2.6 Mb,  24p.


Supplement to Part 2

Subdivision plans for Newton Square

pdf,  2.5 Mb,  14p.


LENOX - Phase One:

A Land Development Enterprise

Planning, marketing, selling, and building, 1909-1916

pdf,  2.7 Mb,  32p.


LENOX – Phase Two:

Going its Own Way

The young neighborhood in a volatile housing market, 1917-1929

pdf,  1.1 Mb,  24p.


LENOX – Phase Three:

 (title undecided)

The neighborhood at middle age, in harder times, 1930-1960s

(not yet ready)


The Scotts of Maplewood Road

A notable early family of Lenox

pdf,  1.1 Mb,  13p.


Images of Lenox (Index)

Index of downloadable photos, paintings, and sketches of Lenox from the narrative

jpg,  various sizes


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